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Risesun Hotbar - Coating SiC heating elements

SiC heating elements can be used in furnaces with different atmospheres. However, their service life may be shortened in some atmospheres.


SiC heating elements can be used in furnaces with different atmospheres. However, their service life may be shortened in some atmospheres. In order to extend their service life in different atmospheres, we have developed various coatings to preventt the SiC structures from faster ageing, mainly including A, B, C and D coatings. Actually, there may be several harmful volatiles in some furnaces, and even some harmless volatiles may become harmful after they are mixed with other volatiles, which will shorten the service life of heating elements. Since coatings have different effects in different atmospheres, small-scale batch tests should be done to solve specific coating problems to find out the optimal plans and select the best coating.

Impact on Elements and Recommended Coating in Different Atmospheres


Impact on Element



Vapor and moisture

The service life is about 20% shorter than that in the dry air.

New furnaces or furnaces unused for a long time should be thoroughly dried at low temperature before heating.

A coating


Nitrogen reacts with SiC above 1,400℃, producing silicon nitride, making elements fragile and shortening the service life of elements. This is affected by dew point in the same way as H2.

The recommended furnace
temperature is not higher than 1300℃ with surface loading as low as possible.

B coating


When elements are heated to above 1,350℃, their resistance will increase rapidly and their mechanical strength will decline, furthermore, the service life of elements varies greatly, depending on the moisture content of gas.

The recommended furnace
temperature is not higher than 1300℃ with surface loading lower than 5W/cm2

C coating


Same as hydrogen and nitrogen

The recommended furnace
temperature is not higher than 1300℃ with surface loading lower than 5W/cm2

B coating

C coating

Disassociated gas(N2,CO,CO2,H2,CH4)
(N2, CO, CO2, H2, CH4)

Decomposed Carbon black attach to body of heating elements to make elements loose.

Convey air into furnace
frequently to burn up additional
Carbon. For furnace design,
keep enough space between
elements and elements to prevent short circuit.




When elements are heated to 1,300℃, their surfaces will be eroded, leading to a sharp increase in resistance.

Control the element temperature to below 1,300℃.



SiO protective film will not be formed in high vacuum, and Silicon carbide will be decomposed itself, then service life of elements will be shortened.

Furnaces temperature lower than 1000℃ with pressure above 0.13Pa.    



Various substances from treated materials, such as Pb, Sb and alkali metal, react with elements, which may shorten the service life of elements.

To get rid of these substances in advance, set up a gas exhaust in furnace to reduce the impact.

D Coating


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